Orbshield Not Working :cry:

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Re: Orbshield Not Working :cry:

Postby silentguy » March 26 2012, 15:19 PM

I got it through Amazon, and it was eligible for Super Saving shipping, but you have to buy at least $25.

So I found something else cheap to order to make my order at least $25.

It shipped in about 1 week.

Here is a link

Last edited by silentguy on March 27 2012, 12:04 PM, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Orbshield Not Working :cry:

Postby silentguy » March 26 2012, 15:25 PM

I also got some USB device not recognized errors when first trying things.

I'd suggest trying Arduino 018 software install.

Also make sure you dont have any other COM drivers , like Bluetooth, 3DConnexion, etc.

Deinstall all other COM drivers first.

Also this sounds weird I know, but I wiggled my OrbShield board a bit, and things worked.

Maybe the resistors were shorting, but I did tape the top of the USB port to prevent that.

My problems were entirely USB, COM Port, and software keybinding related.

Nothing to do with the OrbShield.

Also Logitech keyboard drivers may mess things up.

The less USB devices you have present the easier it is to trouble shoot.

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Re: Orbshield Not Working :cry:

Postby adamh128 » March 27 2012, 14:19 PM

Unfortunately I cannot try the Arduino 018 version as support for the Uno was not introduced until version 020.

I am downloading 023 and version 1.0, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Re: Orbshield Not Working :cry:

Postby adamh128 » March 27 2012, 15:09 PM

I just tried again with the latest software (Arduino 1.0) but the same thing...

When first plugging USB into the shield, in device manager window it shows "Other devices" -> "Spaceorb/Spaceball", but then that disappears and now in "Human Interface Devices" I get "USB Input Device" with an exclamation mark - "This device cannot start. (Code 10)"

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Re: Orbshield Not Working :cry:

Postby silentguy » March 27 2012, 17:43 PM

I couldn't even get the sketches to compile on anything but Arduino 018

Maybe double check what sketches you are using

It sounds like it may be the UNO board

Well it's proven working on Duelmilanove board

So you might have to go that route

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Re: Orbshield Not Working :cry:

Postby adamh128 » March 28 2012, 3:21 AM

I did have to modify one of the header files to get it to compile on 1.0 as the API had changed slightly...

Just needed to change Serial.print( ... , BYTE) to Serial.write( ... )

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Re: Orbshield Not Working :cry:

Postby vputz » April 10 2012, 15:51 PM

Thanks for the reminder--I didn't make sure everything worked with 1.0, which is probably a good idea.

As I've touched on in other threads, I'm going to try to do a redesign when the Arduino folks come out with the Arduino Leonardo, which has built in USB functionality--this would eliminate the additional USB port on the shield and probably make that end of things more stable, which should help with the problems a few people have been having. But they're taking a while getting that out and my life is in pretty huge flux at the moment (moving into temporary housing for a few months, then probably back across the pond) so don't hold your breath.

Good times, and glad people are still getting some use out of the project!


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Re: Orbshield Not Working :cry:

Postby Sparky » May 07 2012, 12:21 PM

[quote="adamh128"]I just tried again with the latest software (Arduino 1.0) but the same thing...

When first plugging USB into the shield, in device manager window it shows "Other devices" -> "Spaceorb/Spaceball", but then that disappears and now in "Human Interface Devices" I get "USB Input Device" with an exclamation mark - "This device cannot start. (Code 10)"[/quote]

I had the same issues. I replaced the diodes and resistors and used version 022 with the WASD sketch and it worked. My soldering iron may have been a little too hot or I left it on the soldering point a little too long. Maybe damaged te diodes or resistors? Either way, it's working with a Seeduino and Arduino.

On a separate issue, every time I upload changes more than twice in Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate, the OS won't shut down. I just continues to display the "Logging Off" screen. Minor annoyance.

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Re: Orbshield Not Working :cry:

Postby adamh128 » May 07 2012, 12:38 PM

[quote="Sparky"]I had the same issues. I replaced the diodes and resistors and used version 022 with the WASD sketch and it worked. My soldering iron may have been a little too hot or I left it on the soldering point a little too long. Maybe damaged te diodes or resistors? Either way, it's working with a Seeduino and Arduino.[/quote]

I have tried it with another (known working) shield, and I get the same thing, that's why I think it's the Uno :(

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Re: Orbshield Not Working :cry:

Postby vputz » May 08 2012, 16:51 PM

I'm getting a little more time starting mid next week, so I'll check problems with the Uno and Arduino 1.0 (I could SWEAR it worked). Sorry this is so frustrating; I'm not sure what the problems could be, but even in my temp lodging I should have some time to whip it into shape (and hopefully work on the next version). Oif, what a mess. I'm not even positive my orbs are in the new house, but I'll give it a shot and see what I can see (if I can at least find an arduino and a shield, I can get the software to compile/upload).

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Re: Orbshield Not Working :cry:

Postby adamh128 » May 10 2012, 13:15 PM

That would be great, it's been many years since I've been able to play with my orb :wink:

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Re: Orbshield Not Working :cry:

Postby Agent_13 » June 01 2012, 3:10 AM

Just a shot-in-the-dark. I was having troubles with my orbshield and discovered the problem was the #1 dip switch was intermittently losing contact. I checked it with a multimeter and sure enough there was no continuity in the on position. Swapped out the dip package and its good as ever.

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