Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

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Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby vputz » January 16 2011, 19:42 PM


So sorry for the delay. Things have been... hm, [i]trying[/i] is probably a good word. We finally found a house, I've been spinning up in my job, but things took a down turn when my wife decided that I had not been a very fun person to live with during my PhD program and has decided to finish hers elsewhere. Nothing permanent or legal has been done, but needless to say that situation has been commanding a great deal of my attention for the past several months, as well it should.

However, it seems to be at least back to a semi-hopeful state, and at any rate my social calendar is certainly a lot more clear these days (ahem), so I went searching through boxes and found my microcontrollers today.

Seeed Studio is indeed out of Orbshield kits. They want to do another batch, but do a large one, up to 50. I personally am doubtful we could ever sell that many and it would probably wipe out any semblance of profit, but I may do a decent-sized order (20-30) and we'll get them going again. I'll try to decide in the next week and put the order in.

The new version of the Arduino, the Arduino Uno, is meant to be programmable to appear as a HID device. If that's the case, the existing Orbshield will have a couple extra parts on it that aren't necessary, and it would be possible to simplify the design somewhat (no more swapping from one port to the other)... maybe. On the other hand, the existing shields would probably still continue to work, so maybe that's beside the point. Honestly, I probably don't have time to really redesign it, so I'd expect another batch of these same old shields.

Unfortunately, some people still are having trouble, sadly including Jay, our host! I even mailed him a "known working" arduino and shield and it didn't work. I'm completely baffled on this and it distresses me to run a new batch of shields which may not work for everyone. However, they [i]have[/i] been working for [i]almost[/i] everyone, and I certainly want people who could use them to be able to use them.

So! If anyone has any input, I'd love to hear it, but otherwise expect a new run of maybe 30 kits (maybe more just in case) to start soon!

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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby adamh128 » January 17 2011, 5:12 AM

Sorry to hear about your 'difficulties' recently, I can certainly empathise. Hope it all works out for you.

Regarding the Orbshield, a redesign for the Arduino Uno would certainly be sweet but I can understand the time constraints. Is it a safe bet to assume the Arduino Uno would still be compatable with the Orbshield v1.0 kit? Has anyone out there already tried this combination?

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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby RoyMacDonald » January 17 2011, 8:14 AM


Unfortunately, some people still are having trouble, sadly including Jay, our host! I even mailed him a "known working" arduino and shield and it didn't work. I'm completely baffled on this and it distresses me to run a new batch of shields which may not work for everyone. However, they [i]have[/i] been working for [i]almost[/i] everyone, and I certainly want people who could use them to be able to use them.

So! If anyone has any input, I'd love to hear it, but otherwise expect a new run of maybe 30 kits (maybe more just in case) to start soon![/quote]

It does occur to me, that from previous experience, if you have Logitech USB controllers or keyboards installed they can stop other USB devices working. I haven't been able to install and get working any type of Saitek controller onto a Logitech equiped computer. Also stopped multiple Nebula DigiTV USB tuners dead when I installed a wireless Logitech keyboard. As soon as the keyboard was replaced with a Microsoft one they worked fine again. (For recording multiple TV progams from DigiGuide)

Microsoft controllers and keyboards seem to work fine with any system without any issues though.

Hope this is some help.

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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby vputz » January 18 2011, 8:47 AM

Adam: Thanks; we're having some good talks; hopefully it can be resolved well. The Uno should be compatible, but I'll pick one up just to be sure (besides I have a few projects coming up).

Roy--interesting! Would not have thought that could make a difference. Logitech, eh? Wonder if there's some USB problem somehow that's causing difficulties.

Well, at any rate I just ponied up for a run of 50 kits. I think that's probably going to be end-of-life for the shield; it's taken this long to sell 20! But that's okay; at least folks are taken care of. Unfortunately we're about to hit the Chinese new year, so it may be mid-Feb before they're back in stock.

Thanks for the continued interest, and I'll see what I can learn about the cases where it doesn't work!


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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby RoyMacDonald » January 18 2011, 15:19 PM

[quote="vputz"]Adam: Thanks; we're having some good talks; hopefully it can be resolved well. The Uno should be compatible, but I'll pick one up just to be sure (besides I have a few projects coming up).

Roy--interesting! Would not have thought that could make a difference. Logitech, eh? Wonder if there's some USB problem somehow that's causing difficulties.

Well, at any rate I just ponied up for a run of 50 kits. I think that's probably going to be end-of-life for the shield; it's taken this long to sell 20! But that's okay; at least folks are taken care of. Unfortunately we're about to hit the Chinese new year, so it may be mid-Feb before they're back in stock.

Thanks for the continued interest, and I'll see what I can learn about the cases where it doesn't work!


Thanks Victor. You're brilliant.

On Logitech, I've always assumed it's a driver/software conflict issue as I've had problems on all 3 computers on my home network. I asked Logitech and Saitek for advice and all they said was to uninstall the other USB devices and reinstall theirs.


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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby adamh128 » January 24 2011, 4:51 AM

A quick update:

Just had an email from Seeed Studio saying they had an Orbshield in stock, so I just placed an order for one + an Arduino UNO controller :D

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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby RoyMacDonald » January 24 2011, 12:50 PM

I also got an email from them but didn't see it until 3 hours later and they are no longer listed in stock so I guess they must have sold out already. :(

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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby adamh128 » January 24 2011, 13:09 PM

[quote="RoyMacDonald"]I also got an email from them but didn't see it until 3 hours later and they are no longer listed in stock so I guess they must have sold out already. :([/quote]

Yep, when they said they had [b]an[/b] Orbshield in stock, they really did only have one so I was lucky :D

They probably just made one before the main production run to test, so I expect the others will be along shortly.

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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby samward » January 25 2011, 2:03 AM

[quote="vputz"]Adam: Thanks; we're having some good talks; hopefully it can be resolved well. The Uno should be compatible, but I'll pick one up just to be sure (besides I have a few projects coming up).

Hi Vic,

For what its worth, I am running my Orbshield quite happily on an Uno (once I sorted out the dead MAX233 chip). As far as I can tell works fine.



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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby vputz » January 26 2011, 18:26 PM

Excellent news, Sam!

I spoke to Liao over at Seeed, and we've started a run of 50 more orbshield kits, which may be the last run we have to do (but then I never expected to move 20)! They should be in in a few weeks; we'll have a slight delay due to the Chinese New Year. I decided I just didn't have time to do the nice redesign I was hoping for (but I don't know how much it would improve, honestly--I could have reduced price a teeny bit by swapping to a cheaper chip and adding a capacitor or two, but eh, this is fine).

So it's moving again... slowly. Hopefully this will take care of folks!


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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby RoyMacDonald » February 02 2011, 17:39 PM

Just thought I'd check the Seeed Studio web site and they have the Orshield kits in stock now (47 left) and I've just ordered one. :)

I didn't get an in stock email yet so this may alert folks.

Thanks Victor.

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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby adamh128 » February 12 2011, 9:22 AM

My OrbShield kit and Arduino Uno arrived, so today I carefully put it all together, programmed the Uno with the BasicJoystick but when I flip the switch the and plug the USB into the OrbShield, Windows says "USB device not recognised" and fails to install any drivers.

I'm using version 0022 of the Arduino software, with orb sketches 1.0 and orb library 1.1

OS is Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

Please help :(

Moved to separate thread: [url][/url]

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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby flauzus » April 22 2011, 16:09 PM


I am finally going to order my Orbshield. I am unsure of which Seeeduino to go with it. Is the Seeeduino V2.21 (Atmega 168P) fully compatible?


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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby vputz » April 23 2011, 10:27 AM


It should be compatible. For the simple sketches we use, that should be enough memory. If the 328 was in stock, I'd recommend it just for the extra memory on the device, but the 168 SHOULD do it--I just don't remember (I've been using a 328 for some time).

Given that the 328 is a very small upgrade (a few bucks) I'd probably go there. Or a Diecimila 328 (if ordering from somewhere beside Seeed). If you want I can see if I have any 168 boards and make sure it uploads OK...

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Re: Status of Orbshields, 16 Jan 2011

Postby flauzus » May 02 2011, 10:47 AM


The 328 was and still is out of stock. I went ahead and ordered the 168 from Seeed and will hope for the best. I expect to receive my order within the next 26 days. After spending some quality time with my soldering iron I'll find out for certain.


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