Orbshield Problem

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Orbshield Problem

Postby Vigil » October 02 2010, 17:48 PM

I'm going to be the first to report a problem with the Orbshield, I'm afraid.

My symptoms: In the Spaceorb/Spaceball properties window, where it shows what buttons and axes are being triggered, using the WASD sketch, nothing works. Using the BasicJoystick and GainDemo sketch, only the Orb's buttons CDEF (1234) work.

I got an Orbshield 1.0 and Arduino Duemilanove with ATMega328. What I've done is pretty much what [url=http://www.hanselman.com/blog/TheBestControllerForFPSASpaceTecSpaceOrb360ControllerWorkingWithWindows7UsingArduinoAndOrbShield.aspx]Scott Hanselman's done[/url], with the addition that I had to install [url=http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm]virtual COM port drivers[/url], because my Windows 7 (64-bit) didn't recognise the Arduino fully. I've verified as best I can that my soldering is good (I get a good signal across all connections), and I've tried the Arduino software versions 0019 and 0020.

Any idea what's wrong?

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Re: Orbshield Problem

Postby vputz » October 02 2010, 22:03 PM


Sorry this will not be "tested" on this end--I'm in a hotel for a month on an EEPC netbook (finding a house) so I'm just going on spec. BUT I may be able to answer this one.

For the WASD sketch, I thiiink I remember there's a line in the sketch that expressly disables joystick reports. So the axes shouldn't work and I'm pretty sure that if joystick reports are disabled then the buttons won't work on the joystick dialog. So that may actually be "working as intended" (the thought being that if you are using WASD, you are NOT using it as a joystick, so don't send more information than you have to). Ah, here are the lines:
[code]// In general, it's best to set joystick reports off if you're not using
// the orb as a joystick device; it frees up the bus for updates
translator.send_joystick_reports = false;
The WASD sketch was just intended to show that moving the orb could generate keypresses. If moving the orb generates WASD keypresses (open notepad or something) then the sketch may be doing all it is intended. You can add button-keyboard bindings to make it do what you want (press keys when you press buttons, etc). You could try commenting that line out or setting it to "true" but it may cause issues.

As for the BasicJoystick sketch and the A/B buttons working, I think what's happening is again "working as intended" but it's non-obvious. Chording is turned on by default. That means the A/B buttons don't send button events but instead select a "page" for buttons CDEF. Try pressing button C (should show up as button 0 in the dialog), then try holding down A and pressing C again... it should show up as button 4. Holding B and pressing C should show button 8, and holding down A+B and pressing C should shouw up as button 12. This gives you 16 "virtual buttons" from the SpaceOrb's 6 physical buttons.

If you don't like that, chording can be turned off but I don't remember how off the top of my head... (try adding the line "translator.set_chording( false )" after the line where it sets the default config). I can look more when I get my computer back.

Give the above a try and see what you think. It sounds like the shield is working OK, but I've made a few choices that don't make sense at first look (user interface is not my strong point). Let me know.

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Re: Orbshield Problem

Postby Vigil » October 03 2010, 11:30 AM

[quote="vputz"]For the WASD sketch, I thiiink I remember there's a line in the sketch that expressly disables joystick reports. So the axes shouldn't work and I'm pretty sure that if joystick reports are disabled then the buttons won't work on the joystick dialog. So that may actually be "working as intended" (the thought being that if you are using WASD, you are NOT using it as a joystick, so don't send more information than you have to).[/quote]

That makes sense! I'll leave joystick reports set to false.

[quote="vputz"]The WASD sketch was just intended to show that moving the orb could generate keypresses. If moving the orb generates WASD keypresses (open notepad or something) then the sketch may be doing all it is intended.[/quote]

It doesn't :-/ Moving the orb in notepad just doesn't show anything, I might as well not be moving it :-(

[quote="vputz"]As for the BasicJoystick sketch and the A/B buttons working, I think what's happening is again "working as intended" but it's non-obvious. Chording is turned on by default. That means the A/B buttons don't send button events but instead select a "page" for buttons CDEF. Try pressing button C (should show up as button 0 in the dialog), then try holding down A and pressing C again... it should show up as button 4. Holding B and pressing C should show button 8, and holding down A+B and pressing C should shouw up as button 12. This gives you 16 "virtual buttons" from the SpaceOrb's 6 physical buttons.[/quote]

Ah yes, that works. However, the orb axes don't. They don't work in the game controllers window, nor does the Spaceorb show up in the controllers options of Dirt 2 (my Run'n'Drive gamepad showed up).

I even tried changing the keyboard's regional settings to US, but no luck. I'm wondering if it's simply that my orb doesn't work :~(

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Re: Orbshield Problem

Postby vputz » October 07 2010, 22:51 PM


Okay, this ate my earlier reply so this will be shorter than I wanted, but here's the short form...

1) "Buttons work but axes don't" is a problem which comes up when the orb isn't getting enough power for some reason. This bothers me tremendously, because it's hard to find a fix. Have you tried it on a powered USB hub? Sorry to annoy, but try the "basicjoystick" sketch on as many USB ports/hubs as you can and see if any work.

Second: If it never works, please let me know what Arduino or Arduino clone you're using and maybe post the serial # of your orb. The reason I mention is you may just be unlucky--the only other person I've known who's had this problem with the recent Orbshield, embarassingly, is Jay himself. I want to compare commonalities if we have two people with the same problem.

2) "Orb shows up in game controllers but not in games" is probably be a problem with games that use Microsoft's recent API, XInput (this is most modern games, and a quick search seems to show Dirt 2 is one). XInput requires an X-box gamepad or compatible, which is NOT compatible with USB HID standards (thank you, corporate "standards" compliance). The way to deal with this if you get the orb working in the control panel applet is to use a third-party program that will emulate an x-box pad. I can't remember the one I use, but it's pretty good (I think I mentioned it on another thread somewhere), but you can probably find one with a little searching. Obviously we need the orb working first.

Sorry I can't help more yet. I can be more help in a month or so.

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Re: Orbshield Problem

Postby Vigil » October 09 2010, 9:15 AM

I've just tried plugging it into two different powered USB hubs and using all the ports I could, still no luck. When I bought it, the guy asked if I wanted any specific firmware version, so I told him whatever the latest is, thinking that would stand the best chance of working on today's computers. I think the version I got is 4.35. It didn't come in the original box, and I can't find the serial number on the Orb itself. I'm using an Arduino Duemilanove with ATMega328. The code under the barcode on its packet says ARD102B1M and a sticker on the board itself says CM6786.

Don't fret about not being more help right now. I've waited years for it to work, I can wait a bit more. I'm very appreciative that I'm getting any help at all!

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Re: Orbshield Problem

Postby vputz » October 12 2010, 14:23 PM

Okay, sounds interesting! The latest firmware [i]should[/i] work, so something wonky is definitely going on. My plan once my stuff gets here and we have a house (month or so) is probably to swap you a known working arduino/shield/orb with yours and see if my stuff works on your end and yours doesn't on mine and see if we can figure the problem that way... it's just something that's a lot easier to diagnose if I can see what's going on.

So... watch this space, I guess (or send me a PM with your email address) and I'll get back in touch when I'm "hacking enabled" again.

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Re: Orbshield Problem

Postby Vigil » October 12 2010, 16:28 PM

Sweet :-)

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Re: Orbshield Problem

Postby Vigil » January 02 2015, 19:09 PM

New times, new motherboard. This time, it is only recognised when plugged into a specific pair of USB ports directly attached to the motherboard. If plugged in to a powered USB hub, "device not recognised". This is fine, since I can just leave it plugged into the ports in which it does work. However, I'm still seeing only the buttons working, not the ball axes.

Is that what looks like a power input socket on the Arduino? I wonder if it needs some power there… I could just have a duff SpaceOrb, too :-(

Are you hacking enabled? O:-)

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Re: Orbshield Problem

Postby vputz » January 06 2015, 14:55 PM

Haha! Yes sir, I am--and much has happened since you wrote last. The "buttons but not orb" is indeed a problem with supplying enough power, but I haven't seen it in a long while. The "approved solution" nowadays is to ditch the arduino/shield combo and try the shiny Orbotron 9000 :D I'm going to make a new batch in the next couple weeks and I'll send you one since you've waited so long for a solution :D PM coming.

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Re: Orbshield Problem

Postby Vigil » January 07 2015, 16:41 PM

Oh, my, gawd!

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Re: Orbshield Problem

Postby Vigil » January 25 2015, 12:58 PM

Thank you, vputz, for sorting me out. I now have a SpaceOrb 360 that works in Windows 7! :-D

I noticed that Windows recognised it (and I was able to play a game) straight away, without installing the Arduino software and Orbotron 9000 driver, like [url=http://wiki.thingotron.com/doku.php?id=products:orbotron9000]the wiki[/url] advises. I guess that's only if one was to reflash it? If I don't intend to do that, is it safe to remove the Arduino software?

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Re: Orbshield Problem

Postby vputz » January 28 2015, 17:08 PM

That's correct--by itself, it should just show up as a USB HID device and "just work" with a SpaceOrb 360; nothing else is needed. The driver and Arduino software are just there to reflash/reprogram the device (for keyboard / mouse mapping or other tricks, or to use other devices like the SpaceBall series). If it's doing what you want, no need for all that!

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