The ultimate orb solution, at last.

SpaceOrb drivers and software discussions
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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby Agent_13 » September 29 2009, 1:33 AM

Sounds great! I'll buy, and build a couple, as to make it more worthwhile.

Thanks again.


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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby vputz » September 29 2009, 8:35 AM

Well, they (seeed) got back to me quickly. The problem we were having is that the boards were sitting just a little too low, and that I had placed some components where the low height conflicted with some components on the Arduino Diecemila.

So anyway, the "right" solution is to move those things on the board, but then I get needlessly paranoid about if I moved them right and if the new board will work (it's a simple move and if I had more confidence I wouldn't worry about it).

The "wrong" solution is to use a different set of headers that sit up a little higher:


It's not pretty, but it would work just fine. Alternately, you could use the seeed studios version of the arduino (it has a lower profile since it uses mini-USB and a lower DC connector) and regular headers. So I may have them build the kits using the old board and just include two sets of headers, both the tall and the regular, and be lazy about redesigning the board (heh).

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby Agent_13 » May 24 2010, 22:12 PM

Whats new? I would sure like to get my hands on one of these. can you hook an Orb brother up? I'm capable of soldering the components in place, and such.

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby Any » June 10 2010, 13:15 PM

Hi every one

It's a couple of years ago since I wrote to this board, in hope of getting some kind of help for my beloved but allmost forgotten Spaceorb.

I've been playing Modern Warfare 2, and when I was beaten for the 10.000 time, I came to think about my Orb.

And here I am, very thrilled about the thought of getting up and running again, with the help of Victors brilliant peace of hardware.

Has there been produced some boards yet ?

I will love to buy one of those beauties..

Regards from Denmark

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby Bulldoggie » June 18 2010, 1:51 AM

I'm down for one as well. Been a long time, but would love to resurrect my Orb. Looks like Seeed has the controller, but not the shield. I added my name to be notified when shield kits come in.

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby vputz » June 18 2010, 3:42 AM

Hmm, no response from Seeed, but with three people asking, I'm sure there's more interest. I'll poke them again. If nothing else, I may have my PCB mill up and running in a while and could make one-offs, but I think we'd all be happier with a professionally made board!

Sorry I don't check the forums so often; it's slow enough that I just don't stare at it every day.

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby Agent_13 » June 18 2010, 10:24 AM

I'll buy a 10 if that will help motivate them. Can't wait!

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby vputz » June 29 2010, 0:52 AM

Hey folks--

Sorry not much progress! This isn't dead, just delayed. I finally got my payment from Seeed (which is progress), and they [i]said[/i] they'd start another run (I don't want to knock Seeed too much as they have been great to work with, just slow on this end). Things are geting busy on this end as my degree winds to a close and I get ready to move (again... I'm tired!) so I probably can't pursue it too aggressively for a while (couple months and I should be back in the states and stable again).

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby vputz » July 16 2010, 18:53 PM

Update: at this time, Seeed is showing in stock with orbshield kits: [url][/url]. I have no stake in this batch, so no idea how many they made, but if anyone's wanted to give it a shot, they look like they're up. Post here if you try them with success!

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby shanselman » September 08 2010, 13:09 PM

I just ordered one. I'm so stoked I can't even stand it.

Has any thought gone into making this work on an Xbox 360? That could REALLY be something special (and get some folks attention) for Halo.

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby vputz » September 09 2010, 11:50 AM


Actually not a bad thought, and it *might* be doable with some clever programming. The problem is that Microsoft broke HID standards implementing the X-box controllers. Since the software relies on implementing the orb as a HID controller... I just don't know how to do it as an X-box controller. It should be possible! I just don't know how at the present moment.

Good luck with the adapter--if it gives you trouble, give a shout. I don't check the boards too regularly (and about to move back to the US; defended my PhD today!) but I do check them and have a long-term interest in this thing continuing to work, if only for my own satisfaction.

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby Vigil » September 18 2010, 12:19 PM

Fantastic! The orb is the ultimate driving controller. I used mine for years until it broke a couple of years ago. I've been trying to get by with a [url=]Thrustmaster Run 'n' Drive[/url] since then, but it's just not the same, and the large driving wheels are useless. Orb is perfect!

So I finally bought another one recently and then found the HIDsporb driver doesn't work in Microsoft's Windows 7, and started to cry a little bit. Now I find this forum! Yes!

So anyway, I see posts about people trying various boards, and I'd like to know if I'm about to buy the correct combination to get my orb working. Do I just need to buy an [url=]Orbshield[/url] and [url=]Arduino[/url], put them together and slot my orb and a USB cable into them and away we go?

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby Agent_13 » September 19 2010, 1:55 AM

I ordered one a little over a week ago. Patiently waiting.

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby shanselman » September 19 2010, 4:05 AM

Reporting back. Just to set a little context (and I'll do a much larger blog post later) I know squat about electronics. I'm a .NET programmer. Still, I've held on to my SpaceOrb for years and years and tried a few times to write a driver. I found you guys, watched this glorious thread, and ordered a OrbShield kit and an Arduino and it arrived today.

The four year old and I sat down to re-learn how to solder.

Here's four pictures of the results, progressively:




And finally:


Please forgive my crappy soldering. Anyway, [b]it worked on the first try[/b].

Vic, your pictures and assembly instructions are a joy. It worked and it worked brilliantly. It detected a joystick and I was all set. Of course, I have no joystick games. More on that later.

I got the 1.1 library and with some fussing with paths (it was confusing to figure out where libraries go and where sketches go, and I see only the 1.1 library and didn't know to get the 1.0 sketches) but I figured it out.

I messed with Half-Life 2 for a few hours on Joystick mode until I decided it wasn't possible. I went back and discovered WASD mode and got that setup. I reversed the up/down axis and bam. Half-life on a SpaceOrb. I almost teared up.

One question - I prefer my SpaceOrb in the horizontal orientation. This seems to be setup for vertical. Is there a flag or switch? I like everything about it, just want to change orientation.

That you Vic and countryatheart. I enjoyed reading your thread SO much.

Vic - I do a weekly podcast at [url][/url]...would you come on my show and talk about this project for a half hour one day?

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Re: The ultimate orb solution, at last.

Postby vputz » September 28 2010, 18:51 PM

Excellent! I'm so glad it worked; we're now on the third batch of these (just sent the word for a third batch) and so far they've been working pretty well. You CAN remap the axes to "horizontal mode" but I am in a bit of limbo at the moment because I've just moved back from the UK and am living out of suitcases without orb (or proper computer) for a few weeks.

Looking at the project page, for keyboard control, try loading up the WASD sketch, but add something like
[code]const PROGMEM Fourway_keyboard_binding WASD_fourway_edgemode_binding = { 2, 1, KEY_S, KEY_W, KEY_D, KEY_A, 75*75 };
...and in initialization...
translator.set_fourway_bindings( WASD_fourway_edgemode_binding, 4 ); [/code]

Or something like that..modify the WASD sketch and see what happens.

You just want to change the first two numbers; I think instead of "0, 1" you want "2, 1" like I wrote above, but you may have to play around a bit. To do this in joystick mode... I don't remember at the moment! Looking at the source, something like

[code]const PROGMEM unsigned char Axis_map_spaceorb_edge[]= {0,1,2,3,4,5};
...other code, then during initialization...
translator.set_axis_map( Axis_map_spaceorb_edge );[/code]

Sorry I can't verify more from here! Podcast sounds fun; you can shoot me an email (will send a pm). May be a while until I have a good setup at this end, but not too long.

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