The most I can find on the web concerning the Agetec Asciiware Sphere 360 protocol (Mode 0 Native Sphere) is this post here
I am trying to reconcile the posted 10 bytes 'Analog' communication with regular documented PlayStation controller mode protocol.
In my experimentation, I have wired the Sphere 360 to my Arduino Uno (per hook up below) and wrote a script utilizing the Ardunio SPI library to try establish the proper communication and controller input mapping.
PSX DATA (1) -> D12 MISO (w/ 1k ohm resistor to 5v)
ATT (6) -> D10 SS
CLOCK (7) -> D13 SCK
GND (4) -> GND
VCC (5) -> 5v
At this point, unsure I am able to establish communication with the Controller. In responds to issuing the start (0x01) or polling (0x42) command, I only get byte 0xFF in response (no matter what movements or button are being pressed)
I will continue to experiment to see whether I can make any progress. If there is any interest I will post my results here.
In meantime, if someone has any helpful information on the Agetec Asciiware Sphere 360, please feel free to respond.