Sublevel 0 Works with Orbotron!

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Sublevel 0 Works with Orbotron!

Postby vputz » October 11 2015, 8:18 AM

Just as another nod to "hey, someone else made a 6DOF game that works with the SpaceOrb", I just had a go with Sublevel 0 from Sigtrap games, and bless them if they didn't have controller mapping that worked out of the box. Well done Sigtrap! I haven't played the game much (just enough to die horribly) but it's a "roguelike" procedural 6dof shooter with a very Descenty feel and unlockables; worth a look!

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Re: Sublevel 0 Works with Orbotron!

Postby blackie » October 15 2015, 13:54 PM

Have you been able to get the SpaceOrb buttons to work? I purchased the game and it works out-of-the-box great. Very interesting.

However - the only button I can get to work is the "C" button for FIRE. The others do not work.

The options menu of the game shows bindings for other buttons that seem not to work - even though the controller is recognized by Windows 10 (build 10565) and ALL buttons work as advertised there.

So is it the game? or am I missing something?


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Re: Sublevel 0 Works with Orbotron!

Postby blackie » October 16 2015, 14:00 PM

Never mind - they updated the program and the buttons work now (I just wish I did not get killed so easy though!).

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Joined: March 25 2006, 20:21 PM

Re: Sublevel 0 Works with Orbotron!

Postby vputz » October 21 2015, 12:59 PM

Huh, very odd on the buttons; they all worked for me out of the box. Glad they're working now... although I've heard stories that a recent patch introduced an unrecoverable roll with the orb--but I'm not experiencing it. Strange!

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