Cannot find firmware detector

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Cannot find firmware detector

Postby Phatguy » September 19 2006, 13:51 PM

Hey Jay how are you? I cannot find the firmware dectector software in the downloads area. Can you point it out for me.

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Postby Phatguy » October 27 2006, 16:48 PM

Thanks Jay. Do you have a direct link to the file. I cannot get any of the files to download from planthardware

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Re: Cannot find firmware detector

Postby ironbman » August 22 2011, 17:29 PM

Hello, Jay im having the same problem i cant tell the firmware of my two orbs :?

My two orb shield kits have not come in yet and i was trying to make sure that my hardware was compatible.

I have orb software running on win xp pro 32bit and all works well with my laptop (dell inspiron 600m)

thanks for any info you can give me.

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Re: Cannot find firmware detector

Postby silentguy » March 26 2012, 15:49 PM

Were there ever any new links for the firmware detector ?

I still dont know what firmware my SpaceOrb is, but luckily it works.

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Re: Cannot find firmware detector

Postby vputz » April 10 2012, 15:47 PM

Plus we're still having occasional problems that I just can't seem to diagnose, but when they happen they're shield-related and not orb-related. I picked up a logic analyzer to try and diagnose the next one, but hopefully I can do a redesign for the Arduino Leonardo that will simplify it a bit.

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