Orbitron not working with Spaceball 4000 FLX

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Orbitron not working with Spaceball 4000 FLX

Postby SparroHawc » March 14 2015, 2:27 AM

Hey Vic!

Just got the Orbitron 9000 and it works fantastically with my SpaceOrb 360 OMG. The chording is great and I'm looking forward to the new life it breathes into that device.

I also happen to have a Spaceball 4000 FLX. When I hook it up I get the double-beep saying it has juice, but I can't get any response past that no matter what I do. Buttons don't do anything and I can't press 1 to calibrate. Do I need to flash a different sketch to the Orbitron for that? (Can I flash to the Orbitron? The Orbduino had a second USB for flashing and the DIP switches...)

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Re: Orbitron not working with Spaceball 4000 FLX

Postby vputz » March 19 2015, 18:58 PM

Sorry to have missed this! Yes, you have to reflash it, I'm afraid... the SpaceOrb and SpaceBall use slightly different protocols. it's not really that hard, but you'll have to install the Arduino environment (you'll need 1.0.3 right now... look at http://wiki.thingotron.com/doku.php?id=products:orbotron9000) and add the Orbotron bits as described in the wiki, then look at http://wiki.thingotron.com/doku.php?id=products:orbotron9000:concepts to get the idea of a basic Orbotron sketch (after you install the library, in the Arduino menu you should be able to find, say, the BasicJoystick sketch).

All you should have to do is change the line

Logical_orbotron orb_buffer( SpaceOrb360 );


Logical_orbotron orb_buffer( SpaceBall4000 );

...although I haven't tried it in a while. Give it a go! Unfortunately I'm headed out for a few days of vacation tomorrow so may not be able to help troubleshoot until I get back on Wednesday.

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Re: Orbitron not working with Spaceball 4000 FLX

Postby SparroHawc » March 23 2015, 1:22 AM

Sweet, thanks! I'll give it a try when I have the chance (I'm also trying to coax an EPROM burner into working correctly) and I'll post an update on my success or failure as appropriate.

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