Windows Vista

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Re: Windows Vista

Postby Sparky » November 21 2008, 11:50 AM


I can't install the orb driver under Windows Vista 64. Is it just a case of recompiling or are we 64-bit users out of luck? I'd be willing to be an alpha and beta tester on the 64-bit drivers. Thanks for the support! :D

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Re: Windows Vista

Postby Sparky » November 21 2008, 16:58 PM

Ok, I loaded Vista 32 and was able to load the driver but I'm getting the 429 runtime error and the monitor doesn't load.

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Re: Windows Vista

Postby Sparky » November 22 2008, 19:57 PM

Here's what I've found so far:

1) The Orb driver and software will not work with Vista 64.

2) The Orb driver loads into Vista 32 but does not show up in "Game Controllers" in Control Panel.

3) The Orb software will install on Vista 32 but immediately after it finishes, a window with the handle "SpaceOrb 360 Monitor" pops up with the following text:

Run-time error '429':

ActiveX component can't create object.

When I move my mouse cursor over the Icon in the system tray, the icon disappears. I don't see it listed under "Processes" in Task Manager so the error must cause it to end.


[color=#0000FF] I did the webupdate and now I get a different error:

Run-time error '339':

comdlg32.ocx or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

I manually registered comdlg.ocx in the C:\Windows\System32 folder and came up with the same message for tabctl32.ocx which I promptly registered manually. I now get a window with the handle "SpaceOrb 360 Customizer" containing the following text:

Run-time error '429':

ActiveX component can't create object.

So I'm getting the same error I had to begin with but in a different "place". [/color]

I know it's alot to ask but can this be fixed? I know we're a small community and I know both Jay and Victor are busy on other things (they have lives!) but can you both find it in your hearts to update these programs for Vista? If you can't, perhaps I can take a crack at it? I'm guessing the driver was written in C or C++ and the monitor was written in VB? If you could email me the source code it would be great. I'm an out of work programmer analyst with a real need for my half-life 2 fix.

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Re: Windows Vista

Postby TurtleMan » December 01 2008, 1:23 AM

Vista x64 will not run unsigned drivers, and I'm afraid nobody will be producing one of these anytime soon (basically not gonna happen). You could try using Readydriver Plus as a workaround, but I don't know if the signing issue is the only problem going on between the Orb and Vista x64...

If you are physically capable of using mouse/kb, I encourage you to start practicing: get Serious Sam II and force yourself to play it with mouse/kb: you'll be a pro by the time you finish the game ;-)


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Re: Windows Vista

Postby clutch » December 04 2008, 17:21 PM

Wow, it's been a LONG time since I've been around to the old site. So, since I just got a Dell Mini 9 that I'm running Vista on, I thought I'd try Forsaken on it with the Orb. This could be an issue. Good thing I still have 3 of these Orbs around, eh? :-)

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Re: Windows Vista

Postby bruce_andrews » December 24 2008, 17:38 PM

There is a way to turn off the un-signed driver check in Vista 64-bit (look around the net). The bad thing it is an "all or nothing" change (leaving you a bit open).

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Re: Windows Vista

Postby TurtleMan » January 05 2009, 19:50 PM

The driver still doesn't work in Vista x64, even with driver checking disabled: but Victor has apparently solved the problem, and then some. Read his latest post!


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