spacemouse adapters

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spacemouse adapters

Postby mugsy » September 28 2016, 22:42 PM

Hi peeps,

I have been having significant trouble with joint and muscle pains while working in recent years and holding down shift and middle mouse button all day every day is not helping anything... it's time to find a better way. Unfortunately all the newer versions of these devices are extremely expensive and I can't shell out the required money. The prices on ebay are hardly any better.

I decided to try and get one of the older ones off ebay and get an adapter to USB.

None of the store or contact pages i have been able to find are accessible anymore.

is it still possible to get these adapters or do i have to try and make my own?

What is the issue using a standard RS232 converter?

I'm probably going to try and get or make 2 adapters so I can have one device at home and one at work.

Thus far i have been most interested in the Spaceball 4000.



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