Orbshield HW problem

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Joined: November 11 2010, 5:57 AM

Orbshield HW problem

Postby samward » November 23 2010, 19:33 PM

Hi Guys,

I have recently assembled an OrbShield so I can use my SpaceOrb on Windows 7. However I am having the following problem...

When you plug the orbshield into the PC, windows detects it and loads the drivers ok. But when you look at the gaming control panel applet, while the device shows up, it is not registering any movement at all (no buttons or orb). I have tried using both example sketches, but it makes no difference. I have also tried plugging the space orb into an old WinXP machine and using the hidsporb driver as a test, and the winxp machine see's the device fine (so I don't think its a problem with the orb).

One other thing I noticed is the MAX233 chip is getting exceptionally hot on the end of the chip closest to the serial port. I have checked and rechecked the hardware, but I can find no fault with the PCB or construction.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be happening or how I can trouble shoot this further??



Posts: 3
Joined: November 11 2010, 5:57 AM

Re: Orbshield HW problem

Postby samward » November 30 2010, 8:09 AM

For anyone who is interested, I have found the problem. After testing and verifying everything I could, as a last resort I changed the max233 chip out for a new one. And that did the trick. I don't know why the original was not working (whether it was doa, or whether I let the smoke out) but either way it is working now.

Time to play some games.



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